
Movie: The Third Wife / 映画『第三夫人と髪飾り』

It is a story of a polygamous household in a remote village in 19 century Vietnam.
The girl May comes to the village to be the third wife of wealthy landowner. The society is male-dominant. Wives can get favor by pleasing their husband and their most important role is to give birth to a boy. Thus women are treated just as means.
The wives, despite occasional rivalry, help each other to survive in this harsh environment.

There is also some kind of resistance, although subtle. May tries to have homosexual relationship with the second wife Xuan who is affectionate to her.
Xuan also have affairs with the son of the landowner and the first wife. The environment, although beautiful, is choking to (at least some) men as well. But later she refuses to have affairs. In the last scene of the movie May holds venomous grass while breast-feeding her daughter, without indicating how to use the grass.

While contemporary people, if basic human rights are guaranteed, do not have to submit their own body against their will, most of us have to present work force to live. Just like being a wife in patriarchal society, we are doing some kind of role-playing games to please boss, customer, shareholder, and so forth.
To exert agency, we have to either find positive meaning inside (or beyond) the game itself, find what we can devote outside the game, or resist against "the system".
Thus the world in the movie does not look completely alien.


